Wednesday, November 27, 2019

Dr. Joshua Mims Starred in a Movie!

Yes Bulldogs, that is the head of our Communications Program in this promotional piece for a holiday-themed movie, "Ex-Mas Eve."

Dr. Joshua Mims is pictured second from the right. The film was released in 2006. This month it was added to Amazon Prime and it can also be viewed via this link.

Mims is not just in the movie, he received top billing!

Below are some stills from the movie that was shot in Washington, D.C.

"Ex-Mas Eve" is family-friendly, so check it out during the holidays!

Mims is still active in theatre and can carry a tune, from what we here. And he also an author of several books.

We are fortunate to have such a multi-talented professor, faculty member and leader!


Tuesday, November 12, 2019

"Where I Want To Be" Projects

Students in Mr. Harwood's digital media class just completed a project involving the use of chromakey or green screen technology to create a visual of "Where I Want To Be" in their lives someday.  The students came up with a diverse mix of interesting and fun ideas and executed the green screen blending using Adobe Premiere Pro.

View the Prezi below to see what the students produced.  You will also see the photos of the students against the green backgrounds in the TV studio and another room on our floor.

Sunday, November 10, 2019

Hornets Buzz: Making It To The NBA!

HBCU graduate Wesley Robinson (Benedict College, 2013) burned up the highway between Columbia to Charlotte during his last few semesters in college.

Today, the road warrior can look back fondly and proudly on those efforts because they helped bring him to the promised land: a big job with the NBA's Charlotte Hornets.

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Catching Up With Alumni During Homecoming 2019

If it reminded some in attendance of the ESPN documentary series "30 For 30" that was the idea.

Kris Kayin Bennett (Class of 2016) says that was the type of storytelling she and collaborator Dr. Justin Beaufort were going for with their 50-minute film, "The Peninsula Stories: Ralph & Sid." To view the video via Vimeo click here. 

They examine the lives of two talented Charleston athletes, Deljavon "Ralph" Simmons and Sidney Sanders, who were football and basketball stars at Burke High School 10 years ago.

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

Fast Track for 2018 Graduate: Orangeburg-Charleston-Atlanta

Ashailyn "Shay" Gleaton
It can take people many years, if ever, to get a job at a major news network.  It took SC State 2018 communications graduate Ashailyn Gleaton less than a year to do so.

Shay, as she goes by, is from Orangeburg. She is a graduate of Orangeburg-Wilkinson High School.  Around the time she graduated from SC State in May 2018, she began working at Charleston's WCSC-TV.

Last fall she learned of an entry-level program at CNN. She applied, was interviewed a few times, and this April the big offer came and the young woman was on her way to the big city and the big job as a news assistant at CNN.
We spoke with her via iPad and FaceTime

A few days ago in my Feature Writing class, the students and I had the chance to talk to Gleaton with the help of FaceTime.

She shared what her first six months at CNN have been like and how life is treating her in Atlanta.

Wednesday, October 9, 2019

Army Tank Driver Now Drives Toward Degree

Montgomery's tank helmet, medals and official photograph
In the U.S. Army a mild-mannered junior SC State communications major drove the biggest, baddest beast on the battlefield, the M1A2 Abrams Main Battle Tank.

Back then Trenton Montgomery, 26, was called Gummy by his tank crewmates and colleagues, a play on his last name.

Montgomery enlisted at age 19 a year after graduating from  Berkeley High School. He didn't initially apply for tank school, but tank
Montgomery drove the mighty Abrams tank 
school found him and soon he was in training behind the wheel of the 60-ton behemoth that can reach 45 mph and fires weaponry that includes a 120 mm cannon.

Thursday, October 3, 2019

More Alumni News!


Lynn McGrier (left), Class of 2018 and Ashley Simmons, '17, have new jobs!

Professor Justin Smith shared Lynn McGrier's news on our program's Facebook site: Congratulations graduate Lynn McGrier on landing a job as the Film Production Manager for The Vladar Company also known as the Generation Iron Fitness Networks in New York City. Her job involves coordinating productions and developing creative content for Vladar. In addition, she's working on three documentaries with the company. They are expected to be released on Netflix in 2021.

See more on The Vladar Company in this Wikipedia entry

Ashley Simmons shared her job news on LinkedIn.  She is an on-air personality and producer at Myrtle Beach radio station 98.5 KissFM, a Cumulus property. 

See more on Lynn and Ashley's path to success by checking out their LinkedIn sites (linked above). 

SC State Nation is proud of you ladies!

Monday, September 30, 2019

Communications Graduate to Show Her Film During Homecoming

Multi-talented 2016 Communications alumna Kris Kaylin Bennett recently added documentary producer and director to her impressive list of accomplishments. 

Current Comm students and the rest of the campus community will have the chance to see her new film during SC State's Homecoming. They will also hear from Bennett in person, as she will be on hand for the event. 

The Communication Program and co-sponsor Communications Club will screen Bennett's 50-minute film on Thursday, Oct. 17 at 12:30 p.m. in the auditorium (Room 208) in the Crawford Communications Building (aka Old Engineering Building).

The event is free and open to the public. "The Peninsula Stories: Ralph & Sid" is a documentary based on Charleston park legends Deljavon Ralph Simmons and Sidney Sanders. The film highlights these two exceptional Burke High School football and basketball players who were and have remained best friends.

The film is narrated by Dr. Justin Beaufort, a Charleston native who in 2015 published, "Be YaSelf: The Autobiography," a book about his upbringing and overcoming obstacles.

The Ralph & Sid story may be the first in a series of "Peninsula Stories" directed by Bennett's KrisKaylin Productions.

According to Bennett, the series will seek to "unveil the underground truths to the athletic output of Charleston, S.C."

Bennett will speak before and after her film is screened on Oct. 17. 

Bennett can be heard on Charleston's airwaves at Z93 Jamz Radio, where she is a personality and event host. 

Jerel Palmer is Raleigh-bound!

Jerel Palmer's WSPA colleagues gave him a nice farewell! 
His co-workers sure must have thought a lot of him to give him a send-off with such a nice cake!

Jerel Palmer, Class of 2016, this week has started his new job at WNCN-TV in Raleigh.  The talented videographer/editor takes the position at the CBS affiliate after working at WSPA-TV in Spartanburg/Greenville/Asheville market.

Since graduating from SC State, Palmer has also worked at television stations in Columbia and Myrtle Beach.

Palmer announced his new job on his LinkedIn site last week.  He also shared his resume reel showcasing his work.  Our current and future broadcast students can learn a lot from this professional production that Palmer used to get his new job in Raleigh. Thank you for sharing this Jerel and good luck covering news in the Tar Heel State. 

Bulldog Nation is proud of Jerel and the pride is reciprocal.

“This HBCU is where I got my start,” Jerel said. “Loved the experience and professors. The small classroom settings helped me understand the profession I’m in today.”

Click here to see Jerel Palmer's 2019 Photojournalist Reel:

Palmer is also a graduate of Marion (S.C.) High School.

Wednesday, September 25, 2019

Comm Alumni Success Stories!

We are always glad to hear about and share good news about our Communications graduates!  Two new items recently came across LinkedIn about a pair of Lady Bulldogs making big career strides. 

Shandice Sluch, Class of 2016
Need a lawyer when you're in Chicago?  Well, here's who you want to call. Shandice Sluch was in the journalism concentration, earning her SC State degree in 2016. She went on to earn a law degree from Notre Dame University earlier this year.

Shandice just accepted a position as a litigation associate at the Chicago law firm of Riley Safer Holmes & Cancila LLP. 

Shandice played volleyball at SC State and became team captain.  She was in the Honor's College and was a student media managing editor, among other activities.

Best of luck counselor!  See more on this fine alumna here on her LinkedIn site

Tradia McCoy, Class of 2015
Tradia McCoy, Class of 2015, continues to shine on Charlotte's airwaves. This month marked her first anniversary at WCCB-TV, Charlotte's CW station where she does entertainment reporting. 

Since 2017 Tradia has been an on-air personality at Charlotte radio station Streetz 103.3. She produces and hosts the popular entertainment segment "Tradia With The Tea."

Tradia will always be remembered at SC State for her part in the fabulous "We Are Front Row" talk show trio with now-fellow graduates Taylor Johnson and Valerie Mbamalu.

See more about Tradia on her LinkedIn site. 

Other Communications alumni, let us know what you are up to these days. Email Patrick Harwood with your news at 

Monday, September 16, 2019

BNN Poised for Big Year!

Professor Justin Smith talks to feature writing students
BNN, the Communications Program's Bulldog News Now television production, is getting a boost this school year thanks to an infusion of new equipment.

Communications professor Justin Smith (right) recently briefed Patrick Harwood's feature writing students on the new equipment that will make the new year an exciting one for the three-year-old production.

"We're more high tech, we're ready for the web, we're able to stream," said Smith, who is replacing Alicia Pryor as BNN's executive producer. (Pryor is now teaching at Valdosta State University in Georgia).

Thursday, August 22, 2019

Happy Birthday and Work Anniversary Ms. Williams!

Cupcakes, flowers and a unicorn for the birthday girl! 
Back to school this week was even more special since it was right around the birthday of Ms. Andrea Milford-Williams!  And also this summer she marked 17 years of employment at SC State.

Ms. Williams began working at the school in 1999 with External Affairs and Communications, which handles public relations and other communication for the university.

She is a 1996 graduate of SC State, majoring in Professional English. She is close to earning a master's degree in education at SC State.

Ms. Williams daughter Abrianna will earn a bachelor's degree in education at SC State in December. She will become an elementary school teacher, according to her proud mother.

Happy Birthday and Anniversary- and pending graduations Ms. Williams and Abrianna!

Saturday, May 11, 2019

It’s Official: Dr. Joshua Mims

Some two dozen SC State communication students received their hard earned diplomas during last night’s commencement at Oliver Dawson Stadium.

Meantime, this morning in Virginia Beach, Va. one of our faculty had his own years of hard work and research culminate in the highest level of academic achievement.

Mr. Joshua Mims is now Dr. Joshua Mims after being awarded his doctorate in critical communication and journalism from Regent University.

The Union, S.C. native also holds degrees from North Greenville University (BA in video and radio broadcasting) and Regent University (MFA film and television directing).

Congratulations Dr. Mims, an accomplished scholar. A true gentleman and a scholar. That’s him. That’s Mims!

Wednesday, May 8, 2019

Behind the Scenes BNN Edition

(Story by senior communications major Chelsi Ham)
When you see the red light on in the hallway of the Crawford Communications second floor, you know that you are not to disturb! 

Bulldog News Now (BNN) is lead by communications instructors to give students a chance to learn how things really work in a TV studio, control room and newsroom.

Students can gain invaluable hands-on experience covering, shooting, editing and reporting the news.  Anchoring experience can be attained also, as well as exposure to the behind the scene jobs during a television newscast such as director, audio board, teleprompter and studio camera operators

Monday, April 29, 2019

Newspaper's Today: Good and Bad News

"Newspapers are dying." This is a common comment among people in and outside the media world, it seems.

But to hear a 40-year newspaper veteran say it is something else.  That is why I asked Orangeburg Times and Democrat editor Lee Harter if I heard him correctly when he uttered those three words.  Then I asked him if I could quote him on that. And he said yes I could.

Lee Harter points out a feature of the large printing press
Harter gave his blunt assessment while showing my SC State Copy Editing students and me his paper's newsroom and huge Goss printing press.

The daily expense of turning out thousands of newspapers is evident when seeing the massive machinery that is required.  Huge round bundles of paper are all around and a big vat of ink sits to one side.

Therein lies the dilemma many newspapers face today.

Friday, April 26, 2019

Freshman Launches Her Own Sports Show

"The Elite Sports Show" is a collaborative endeavor this semester between a communications student interested in sports broadcasting and a faculty member seeking to create more opportunities for SC State students to gain hands-on experience on the air and behind the scenes.

Freshman Kaila Ali McClam-Tamplin hasn't wasted time pursuing her career interests, working closely with instructor/production manager Kelechi Benet to create fresh new online content. "

Three episodes of the "Elite Sports Show" were shot this semester in the program's TV studio.  Each show is three to five minutes in length. The shorter format fits nicely into what people look for in online content, Benet said.

Click on the icons below to see McClam-Tamplin in action.

Benet sees the program as a template for future short form productions that would continue to benefit students who like McClam-Tamplin are willing to put in the time and effort outside of the classroom to develop their skills.

WIS-TV Set Donation Arrives!

Instructor Alicia Pryor, in just a few years at SC State, has helped advance the Communications Program by leaps and bounds.

She introduced Bulldog News Now (BNN), a broadcast that went weekly this school year.  And it is now viewed outside of campus and the program's Facebook site by also airing in the Orangeburg community via cable television. 

Pryor has also successfully aligned with Columbia's WIS-TV to attain large, professional set pieces that the station was no longer using.

This week, the remaining few background pieces were delivered. 

Said Pryor in a Facebook post: "A huge thank you to the WIS News 10 team for the donations to our Communications Program. The students, faculty and staff are extremely appreciative of the gift." Thank you notes, under Pryor's direction, are being sent to WIS and also the university's facilities management workers who brought up and set up the large pieces.

Plans are underway to create appropriate SC State designs to go on the set to replace the Channel 10 ones. 

Thursday, April 18, 2019

TV News Director Stresses Writing Skills

South Carolina State University communications students interested in working in television were treated yesterday to the high-energy and straight talk of Michael Raffaele, news director at Columbia's WACH Fox 57. 

Raffaele did not mince words about what skills and potential he seeks in news reporters and producers.

Wednesday, April 10, 2019

The Sky's the Limit BMW Executive (and SC State Alumna) Tells Award Recipients

SC State has a high-level connection with corporate communications at the huge BMW car plant in South Carolina's Upstate.  Students and graduates are encouraged to try to network with her!  

Anything is possible.  Unlimited potential. Those are some of the definitions of the idiom “the sky’s the limit.” 

The living personification of that common phrase was the keynote speaker at the 2018 Honors and Awards Convocation on April 3 at Smith-Hammond-Middleton Memorial Center.  And it seemed fit that Sky is the nickname for SC State alumna Schylver V. Foster, a longtime executive at the BMW manufacturing plant in Greer, S.C. 

Monday, April 8, 2019

Kedrick Pasley in Rooms to Go TV Commercial!

Kris Bennett (Communications, Class of 2016) shared some exciting news about her fellow Charlestonian and SC State communications alumnus Kedrick Pasley.

Kedrick, in the blue suit, appears in a commercial for Rooms To Go furniture.

Kris shared this Instagram post.  Click here to see the full commercial.  Kedrick, for a time, was the bulldog mascot at State, so he has show business in his blood.

Since graduating he has been working as a show dancer at Disney World in Orlando.  He has also done some other commercial work, according to Kris.  Keep up posted and keep on dancin' Kedrick!

2018 Alumna Bound for CNN!

Ashailyn Gleaton
Ashailyn Gleaton, Class of 2018, is making big moves!  At the end of this month, she will begin a job in Atlanta with news network giant CNN.

Since graduating last May, Gleaton, an Orangeburg native, has worked in Charleston at WCSC-TV (CBS) where she is a news content specialist.  

She shared the following with us about her new position at CNN:
The I+S News Assistant works with news program teams as they deliver their programs to air. 

The primary duties are to run teleprompter, monitor rundowns on a PC, and deliver scripts to producers, talent, and control room staff. News assistants work with shows at CNN, HLN (Headline News) and CNN-International and will have opportunities to receive mentoring with some of the most accomplished professionals in the business of broadcast journalism. 

 Training, development and other production tasks as asked.

Ashailyn is a graduate of Orangeburg-Wilkinson High School and SC State's communications program. While working in Charleston she has also been pursuing a master's certificate in digital marketing at Full Sail University.  See her LinkedIn site for more information and to contact her. 

Congratulations Ashailyn! Please keep us posted on your exciting new job!  

Saturday, April 6, 2019

Latest BNN Newscast

Bulldog News Now is down to just a few newscasts before the school year ends. Check out the latest program here (click the link below the photo).  It was anchored by Sophie Galvan and Ashley Hendricks.

Click here to go to the Communications Program Facebook site.

Friday, April 5, 2019

Alumni Tell Students to “Slam Dunk” Their Opportunities

Current SC State communications students should be better prepared for life after college thanks to the Communications Club's alumni forum on March 29.

From left, Jaylaan Riley, Breylon Jones and Kris Bennett
It won't be a bed of roses, cautioned Jaylaan Riley (Class of 2017), Breylon Jones (2015) and Kris Kaylin Bennett (2016).

"Do not allow people to put limitations on you," said Bennett, a radio personality at Charleston's Z-93 radio. "Always be about business."

Post-graduation depression can also creep in. Finding that first full-time job can be challenging.

BNN Team Gets Professional Photos!

From Professor Alicia Pryor:  A special thanks to Mr. Rolando Davis for snapping pictures of the Bulldog News Now team. The team's pictures will be posted in the Communications building. (Old engineering building)

BNN is always welcoming new students!  So get involved- don't hesitate. There are a few more programs to be produced before the semester ends in May.  

Monday, April 1, 2019

Voice Diction Workshop More Than "Stupid Superstition"

The workshop was held in the auditorium
BNN staffers did a lot more than sit in on a special voice and diction workshop on March 22 that was organized by Ms. Pryor.

In fact, they hardly sat at all under the high energy direction of theatre professor Ursula Robinson.

The second floor resonated with "aahs," "oohs," "heys," and "red leather, yellow leather" chants.  "Stupid superstition" was not one of the voice warm-up exercises used this day, but it is on the handout Robinson left with the student, as is "tie twine to three tree twigs."

Wednesday, March 27, 2019

Straight A Tips From Zion Riley

So this is what a straight A report card looks like!

I never did this well, and I think it's safe to say, most students never had a semester of perfect grades either.

Riley outside the Comm building 

Such academic excellence is not "old hat" to sophomore Zion Riley but it is something she is used to achieving.

In three semesters at SC State, Riley has consecutive straight As. Last fall she earned all As while taking eight courses!

Her only "blemish" was her first term as a spanking new freshman when she received one B (the one-hour biology lab- dang!).

Her current GPA is a gleaming 3.979.  The communications major and Honor's College member came to SC State from Edisto High School in Orangeburg County.  Her GPA there was 3.998.

Riley was born in Macon, Ga., and spent many childhood years in Atlanta.  Her parents, Barbara Andrews and Harold Riley, are SC State Bulldogs as are several other relatives.

Tuesday, March 26, 2019

Q and A with Mr. Kelechi Benet

Mr. Kelechi Benet
Interview and writing by Chelsi Ham (Class of 2019)

A face many students know all too well on the second floor of Crawford Communications is that of Mr. Kelechi Benet. 

One of the pillars that keep the communications department thriving, Mr. Benet has been giving his best services to this department since he joined in 2017. He became a favorite in the halls of the communications building for not just students but faculty too. 

Presidential Candidate Stumps on Campus

The South Carolina State University community had the opportunity last Friday to see up close and personal one of the Democratic presidential candidates. 

Texas U.S. Rep. Beto O'Rourke is in a crowded field of Democrats who have announced they will run against President Donald Trump in the 2020 election.

O'Rourke's afternoon stop on campus was part of a busy day of campaigning that started in Rock Hill and ended in Charleston.

Sunday, March 24, 2019

Steps to Success: Three Recent Graduates Share Advice Friday

Life after college- making it in the "real world." This will be the theme of the next Communications Club Speakers Series forum.

Three recent graduates of SC State's Communications Program, each currently working in broadcasting and/or public relations, will return to campus Friday, March 29, to share their job and life experiences since earning their diplomas.  The event begins at 11 a.m. in the auditorium (Room 208) in the Crawford Communications building.  It is free to attend open to the campus community and the general public.

Each of the three speakers is working professionally in the broadcasting and/or public relations fields.  They are:

Breylon Jones, Class of 2015, on-air personality, SummitMedia Greenville (107.3 Jamz radio)

Kris Bennett, Class of 2016, on-air personality, Z-93 radio, Charleston, and community relations assistant, Charleston RiverDogs baseball team

1 Lt. Jaylaan Riley, Class of 2017, U.S. Army officer, Signal Corps, Fort Gordon, Ga.

For more information about this event, please contact Communications Club President Ashley Hendricks at (803) 290-4713 or, or club faculty advisor Patrick Harwood at (803) 536-8839 or

South Carolina State University's Communications Club's mission is to offer students tools to advance in the communication industry. The goals are to promote responsibility and professionalism. Events include bringing successful professionals, especially alumni of the school's Communications Program, to campus to share their career paths, work experiences and advice to current students. 

Friday, March 22, 2019

BNN's Latest Here!

Bulldog News Now (BNN) is back after a well-deserved Spring Break!  The latest news production is out and you need to check it out here on the Communications Program Facebook site. 

PicCollage by Professor Pryor

Past BNN programs can also be viewed on this Facebook site. 

Friday, March 8, 2019

Dr. Hawes Receives 10 Year Pin

Dr. Janice Hawes (center) stands with other 10-year employees
Congratulations to Dr. Janice Hawes for her 10 years of service at South Carolina State University!

The interim chair of the Department of English and Modern Languages was recognized Sunday, March 3, at the school's annual Founders Day event.

For more on Dr. Hawes' educational and academic achievements, click here. 

Editor's Note: It's time to remove the "interim" from her title!

Wednesday, March 6, 2019

Orangeburg Massacre Video Wins Award!

Last year marked the 50th anniversary of the Orangeburg Massacre, the bloody shooting on campus that left three young men dead and scores of others wounded. Scared for life in different ways too were the victims and others present when on Feb. 8, 1968, law enforcement opened fire on a large crowd of unarmed SC State and Claflin students, and other young people.

Last spring two students in our communications program collaborated on a video to commemorate the anniversary. Their fine effort won a contest on campus and $50.  Read more here.

Congratulations to Ferrante Dunham and TiAnna Dawson

Tuesday, March 5, 2019

Mysterious Mr. Mims Honored!

Photos by Alicia Pryor
Professor Joshua Mims has a mysterious side to him. Mysterious in that under his pen name Jay Mims he has written several mystery novels. 

Today, the communications faculty member was one of three featured authors at the 11th Annual Page Turner Book & Author Luncheon & Silent Auction at the Orangeburg Country Club. 

The Orangeburg Times and Democrat sponsors the gala as a way to bring together area authors and readers. Proceeds benefit Newspapers in Education.

Kelechi Benet and Joshua "Jay" Mims at the OCC 

Meet Professor Alicia Pryor!

The always amazing Stephen "Zach" Mason produced a fine interview with Alicia Pryor, who joined the faculty in 2017 after many years as a television news producer and reporter.  Professor Pryor's many contributions to the program include launching Bulldog News Now (BNN).  Learn about that and her broadcast news background in this interview.

Monday, March 4, 2019

Why Choose SC State? Here are Lots of Reasons!

In one of my video production classes I asked the students to break into teams to shoot and produce a school recruitment video.  The question was what current SC State students would say to a high school student who may be considering coming here.

Here is one example of the final product.  Click to watch the video. Go Bulldogs! 

Thank you Tianna Dawson and Tean Becoate for the the anchor/host work!  

Sunday, March 3, 2019

Social Media Mix: Cocktail Bandits and USA Today

So-called "legacy media" and upstart "new media" came together last fall when the Communications Club brought together experts across the media spectrum.  The forum was chock full of perspectives, reflections and advice for the students in attendance. And the faculty learned a lot too, we suspect.

Read all about it! 

From left, Charleston's Cocktail Bandits Johnny Caldwell and Taneka Reaves,
and from USA Today, Sheeka Sanahori