Friday, April 26, 2019

Freshman Launches Her Own Sports Show

"The Elite Sports Show" is a collaborative endeavor this semester between a communications student interested in sports broadcasting and a faculty member seeking to create more opportunities for SC State students to gain hands-on experience on the air and behind the scenes.

Freshman Kaila Ali McClam-Tamplin hasn't wasted time pursuing her career interests, working closely with instructor/production manager Kelechi Benet to create fresh new online content. "

Three episodes of the "Elite Sports Show" were shot this semester in the program's TV studio.  Each show is three to five minutes in length. The shorter format fits nicely into what people look for in online content, Benet said.

Click on the icons below to see McClam-Tamplin in action.

Benet sees the program as a template for future short form productions that would continue to benefit students who like McClam-Tamplin are willing to put in the time and effort outside of the classroom to develop their skills.

If a student spends a semester or a year hosting a show, their skills should improve substantially," Benet said.  "This is also true for student editors. That student's editing skills will improve substantially also." 

Benet said that next school year he wants to give more students the opportunity to pitch to him five-minute show ideas. "The shows that are chosen would then go through development and on to production," he said.  And each semester new shows will be developed.    

Broadcasting students are exposed to a variety of broadcast journalism and production in their classes. And the Bulldog News Now (BNN) program has become a flagship of the Communications Program.  Benet's plan is to continue to create even more hands-on development for our students to help them reach their goals and ambitions after college.  

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