Monday, March 25, 2024

Police Social Media Coordinator Shares Career Advice


Campus involvement can be the key!

Communications graduate Brianna Simmons, Class of 2016, gave an excellent and insightful talk on March 21 as part of the program's Media Professionals Speaker Series.

The North Charleston native and Fort Dorchester High School graduate is the social media coordinator for the City of Charleston Police Department.

She encouraged students to make the most of their time on campus to better prepare themselves for life after graduation.

"My campus involvement helped," she said. "I was involved with student media, interned at WSSB (SC State's radio station), I shadowed a public relations department. It's really important while you are here to build up your resume and portfolio. Don't be afraid to reach out and ask."

Brianna spoke about, as a senior, meeting on campus U.S. Rep. James Clyburn, a prominent SC State alumnus, and asking him if she could come work for him. The assertive approach paid off, when a few months later she met with the longtime S.C. 6th District Congressman and went on to work in social media for him for two years.

She later worked for nearly four years as a news producer at WCIV-TV, Charleston's ABC affiliate. 

Brianna is pictured here with Andrea Milford-Williams, the talk's organizer and the Communications Program's coordinator for special events and professional relations.

Brianna was receptive to exploring possible student internship opportunities with the Charleston Police Department's public information office where she has worked for three years.

Thank you Brianna Simmons for giving back to your alma mater!

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